miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2007

French economy

France, known officially as French Republic, it is a country which metropolitan territory is in Occidental Europe, but that in addition includes regions, islands and archipelagoes in diverse parts of the world.

The French Republic is a democracy organized as semipresidential republic. It is a country highly developed, with the biggest fifth economy of the world and is an European as well as world power (world power). Their ideal more important they are formed in the Declaration of the Laws of the Man and of the Citizen. France is a charter member so much of the European Union, being that of major territorial extension of all, since of the United Nations. Member likewise of the Francofonía, the G8 and the Latin Union. He is one of five permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations with right to veto, besides one of eight nuclear recognized powers.

With 80 million foreign tourists a year, it is the most popular destiny in the whole world (2006). The Best Country of the World was declared To live for their high quality of life, their low prices, their good infrastructures, high technology, civil safety, powerful economy, their hospitals that are among the best in the world, their moderate climate and their culture.

By Diana Borda

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