miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2007

Tourism in France

The tourism is a basic source of the French economy. It is the country with more visitors of the world approximately 80 million, their tourists come principally from The United States, Japan, China, other Europe's countries, etc. Paris is the principal attraction, but also several visitors receive on the blue coast Nice, Cannes, etc. France is a country with several attractions of fact of few countries that enjoy beaches, mountains, lakes, rivers, etc.

French Politics

The current Constitution of France was approved by a public referendum on September 28, 1958. From their introduction there has strengthened favorably the authority of the executive power in relation with the parliament. Under the constitution, the president is chosen directly for a period of 5 years (originally they were 7 years). The arbitration of the president assures itself the regular functioning of the public power and the continuity of the condition. The president designates the prime minister, who presides on the Office commands to the armed forces and concludes agreements. The Officeor Ministers' Council is named by the President at the suggestion of the Prime minister. This organization of the government is known as republic semipresidencialist.

The National Assembly is the principal legislature. Their 577 deputies are elect directly for a end of 5 years and all the seats are voted in every election. 321 senators are chosen by an electoral college by ends of 9 years and a third of the Senate is renewed every 3 years. The legislative power of the senate are limited, the national assembly is the one who possesses the final word of a dispute happens between both chambers. The government possesses a strong influence on the form of the parliamentary agenda. In addition there exists a Constitutional Council: Control of the constitutionality of the laws and Contentious electoral.
They are French citizens all the 18-year-old major Frenchmen.

By Orlando Alvarez H.

French economy

France, known officially as French Republic, it is a country which metropolitan territory is in Occidental Europe, but that in addition includes regions, islands and archipelagoes in diverse parts of the world.

The French Republic is a democracy organized as semipresidential republic. It is a country highly developed, with the biggest fifth economy of the world and is an European as well as world power (world power). Their ideal more important they are formed in the Declaration of the Laws of the Man and of the Citizen. France is a charter member so much of the European Union, being that of major territorial extension of all, since of the United Nations. Member likewise of the Francofonía, the G8 and the Latin Union. He is one of five permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations with right to veto, besides one of eight nuclear recognized powers.

With 80 million foreign tourists a year, it is the most popular destiny in the whole world (2006). The Best Country of the World was declared To live for their high quality of life, their low prices, their good infrastructures, high technology, civil safety, powerful economy, their hospitals that are among the best in the world, their moderate climate and their culture.

By Diana Borda

French People

For centuries the French have taken pride in the sophistication of their culture, the beauty of their spoken language, and their diverse accomplishments in literature, the arts, and sciences. Even French cuisine and clothing fashions have long been a source of national pride. During the second half of the 20th century, as French society grew increasingly middle class and consumer oriented, a new set of attitudes and pursuits appeared alongside these elitist cultural attitudes. Material comforts, such as homes, new appliances, and automobiles, became synonymous with a high standard of living


France is one of the oldest states in Europe, but France appears only to that name from the Middle Ages on a date difficult to specify irrefutably. It fully recognizes the historical antecedent of Gaul as France, while the European Galia occupied an area slightly larger than today's France. In European hegemonic wars imposed France tried several times and at different times thus faced almost all of Europe (separately or together as a counterweight to French expansionism). Such was the case with Charlemagne (Charles I, "The Great") in the ninth century, Louis XIV ( "The Sun King") in the seventeenth century, and I Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon "The Great") in the nineteenth century.

take from wikipedia.com

Santiago Reyes

The topic of my Blog it si about the France. I want to investigate and lear of the France culture, traditions, beliefs, myths and legends especially in Paris. Im 22 years old and my hobbies are play Nintendo Wii, go to gym and go out with my friens and have a good time in nigth clubs

Diana Borda Arango

I Study Business Administration at the University of La Sabana, I like traveling, born in Bogota Colombia. I like dogs, I have three dogs ...